Tuesday 18 September 2018

Car loan EMI calculator – all you need to know

After the cycling era came the two-wheeler era. Almost every  middle-class individual owns a two-wheeler, be it a scooter or a bike. As the world is continuously progressing towards a modern lifestyle, there is a need for a four-wheeler.   That has led to the demand for car loans.  Car loans act as the best ally for those who do not have enough monetary resources. It also comes handy for those individuals who do not wish to invest their entire money in one go.   
When you decide to go for an auto loan, you can select the best investment through the car loan EMI calculator. This tool enables you to make a choice that is suitable for your needs. It assists you in planning your EMIs and works smoothly. You can find this tool on all the banks’ portals as well as on third-party loan websites. 

What are the advantages of an auto loan EMI calculator?   

1) An EMI calculator allows you to calculate your monthly instalments well in advance. It will guide on which scheme matches your affordability

2) It gives a comprehensive view of your loan repayment

3) It gives you a thorough understanding if you are eligible to get a car loan or no

What are some of the essential features of a   car loan EMI calculator?

1) Once you add all the details, the EMI provides all the information immediately. In case you want to compare various loans, you can make multiple entries

2) There are no chances of errors. You receive the exact value, and hence, it is completely reliable

3) You can do comparative analysis promptly as the auto loan EMI calculator allows you to calculate multiple times with different amount

4) You can also gauge the prepayment factor with the help of the EMI calculator. You have to provide the prepayment amount along with prepayment charges

5) You can calculate with as many variations as you wish in the EMI calculator tool

How does the car loan EMI calculator function?

The EMI calculator is based on three determinants:

1) Principal amount: It is the primary parameter. The amount plays a crucial role as this can make or break your EMI calculation
2) Tenure: The tenure of the loan also plays a vital role. The longer the mandate , the lesser the monthly instalments. However, the interest to be paid will increase if the time-frame is longer. Thus, go for a balanced scheme

3) Interest rate: Banks and financial institutes offer a different  interest rate on car loans. Based on the interest rate, you should use the auto loan EMI calculator to decide on your monthly instalments. If the interest rate rises, EMI will increase as well   
Now that you know every bit of car loan EMI calculator go to your bank’s website and choose the right plan.

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