Having a savings account has become a necessity in life. There is not a single bank, which does not offer such accounts. Due to the skyrocketing costs of goods and commodities these days, it has become more important to save money for future needs and emergencies. However, before you open a savings account you will need to have a clear idea about it.
What is a savings account?
A savings account is a type of account in which you deposit money with the intention of accumulating it and saving it for future purposes and needs. These types of accounts are interest-bearing deposit accounts by nature i.e. banks provide a considerable amount of interest.
What are the different types of savings accounts?
Prior to opening a savings account, it is imperative that you know how many types of account are there. This will help you decide which type is best suited for you and your requirements.
1. Salary based- Normally, big companies, who need to distribute multiple salaries every month opt for salary-based savings accounts. On the day of salary disbursal, the respective bank withdraws money from the company’s account and distributes it among the employees’ salary accounts. Keep in mind that there is no minimum balance requirement in such cases.
2. Minors and children- You can also open a savings account for your minor children in order to inculcate the habit of savings from a young age. The minor’s legal guardian or parents will operate these accounts until the child turns 10 years old. After this, the concerned minor can be responsible for the savings account. Additionally, when he/she turns 18 years old, the account will become a regular saving account with a minimum balance requirement.
3. Regular savings- A regular savings account is just used for storing money. When it comes to regular savings accounts, withdrawals are not that common as the money is deposited with the intention of saving rather spending.
4. Senior citizens- As the name suggests, these savings accounts are best suited for senior citizens with certain functions and benefits. A senior citizen savings account works just like a regular savings account, but with extra banking privileges and higher interest rates.
5. Women savings- Such a type of savings account is made solely for women to operate, offering benefits such as a waiver on demat account charges, low-interest loans, and discounts of specific purchases.
What are the benefits of a savings account?
The benefits of a savings account are as follows-
• Most of the banks these days offer a few attached benefits with savings accounts such as covers for death and personal accidents
• If you are able to maintain a minimum quarterly balance, then you will be eligible for discounts on locker rental facilities
• Savings accounts at any nationalized banks are very safe in nature
• If you open a savings account, then you will also earn a considerable amount of interest. You will earn more interest and save more money the fewer withdrawals you make.
A savings account can go a long way in helping you save a substantial amount of money, for future. In case, you come across any unforeseen emergencies you can easily fall back on your savings account to help you through it.
What is a savings account?
A savings account is a type of account in which you deposit money with the intention of accumulating it and saving it for future purposes and needs. These types of accounts are interest-bearing deposit accounts by nature i.e. banks provide a considerable amount of interest.
What are the different types of savings accounts?
Prior to opening a savings account, it is imperative that you know how many types of account are there. This will help you decide which type is best suited for you and your requirements.
1. Salary based- Normally, big companies, who need to distribute multiple salaries every month opt for salary-based savings accounts. On the day of salary disbursal, the respective bank withdraws money from the company’s account and distributes it among the employees’ salary accounts. Keep in mind that there is no minimum balance requirement in such cases.
2. Minors and children- You can also open a savings account for your minor children in order to inculcate the habit of savings from a young age. The minor’s legal guardian or parents will operate these accounts until the child turns 10 years old. After this, the concerned minor can be responsible for the savings account. Additionally, when he/she turns 18 years old, the account will become a regular saving account with a minimum balance requirement.
3. Regular savings- A regular savings account is just used for storing money. When it comes to regular savings accounts, withdrawals are not that common as the money is deposited with the intention of saving rather spending.
4. Senior citizens- As the name suggests, these savings accounts are best suited for senior citizens with certain functions and benefits. A senior citizen savings account works just like a regular savings account, but with extra banking privileges and higher interest rates.
5. Women savings- Such a type of savings account is made solely for women to operate, offering benefits such as a waiver on demat account charges, low-interest loans, and discounts of specific purchases.
What are the benefits of a savings account?
The benefits of a savings account are as follows-
• Most of the banks these days offer a few attached benefits with savings accounts such as covers for death and personal accidents
• If you are able to maintain a minimum quarterly balance, then you will be eligible for discounts on locker rental facilities
• Savings accounts at any nationalized banks are very safe in nature
• If you open a savings account, then you will also earn a considerable amount of interest. You will earn more interest and save more money the fewer withdrawals you make.
A savings account can go a long way in helping you save a substantial amount of money, for future. In case, you come across any unforeseen emergencies you can easily fall back on your savings account to help you through it.
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