Saturday, 19 January 2019

Car loan down payment and its effects

When you decide to buy your dream car, you must be familiar with terms like car loans and car down payments. These two terms play a huge part in the whole process of buying a car and so having a good understanding about these can help make the process easier. Read on to know more about car loan down payments and their several effects.

What is car loan down payment?

The cash that is paid up front, prior to buying a car is known as a car down payment. When you choose to opt for a car loan, you will have to pay a portion of the money from your own pocket and your bank will pay the rest.

What are the various effects of a car loan down payment?

A down payment on your car loan can have several effects, which are as follows-

• Loan tenure- While purchasing an auto loan, the duration of your loan repayment will have a direct effect on your EMIs. If your loan repayment plan is more widespread over the next few years, then you will have to pay less EMI every month. On the other hand, if you have paid a large amount of money as your car’s down payment, then you will have to take a small amount as your loan. This will hike up your repayment capacity and you will pay off your car loan in no time. Additionally, the sooner you pay off your loan, lesser will be your interest. In another scenario, if you pay a large amount of money as your down payment and pay the same EMI, then you will be able to purchase a car of a higher amount.

• Car loan- Car loans and down payments are inversely proportional to each other. The higher your down payment amount, the lesser will be your loan amount. This will also help you pay off your car loan faster. Additionally, if you take a loan of a lesser amount then you will have to pay a reduced amount of money every month as instalments. Therefore, paying a huge sum of money as your down payment while buying a car makes it easier for you to take a car loan without burning a hole in your pocket.

• Interest rate- Just as the car loan down payment affects your loan duration and loan repayment, it can also affect your interest rate. Your chances of getting a loan approved highly increase when you choose to pay a large portion of the money of the car’s price up front. This is because the level of associated risk will be comparatively less. Normally, in most cases, if you take an auto loan of a higher amount, then the probability of defaulting increases. Hence, banks are more likely to reject a loan in case you have not made a less payment or zero payment up front. Another benefit of paying a big amount of money off the total price is having a good credit score.

Down payments aid you in taking a smaller car loan and repay it in a shorter span of time. This makes sure that you do not come under a lot of financial stress and get to buy the car you want.

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