Thursday, 9 November 2017

Protecting your ATM card: All you need to know about bank card skimming

Bankcard skimming is the latest crime of the 21st century where you don’t have a clue that you are being robbed. It is called skimming because your debit card or credit card gets skimmed using a device similar to a card reader by attaching it to the ATM machines. This method is widely being used by fraudsters all over the country to steal money from your bank accounts.

The device generally consists of two important hardware; a camera to see your ATM pin and a magnetic card reading device to capture your details and clone your card. However, there is always a new method being developed to carry out skimming such as the use of any piece of material to jam the enter button of the ATM. So once you are done with making the transaction, it will not process as the enter button is jammed. Once you leave the ATM thinking it to be not working, the skimmer would remove that material and hit enter to process your transaction.

It is almost impossible to notice such minor tricks in your daily busy life. However you can always take precautions in order to avoid such incident. Here are some of the easiest ways to protect you from such crimes:

• Always check the card reader before inserting your ATM card. If it moves then something is not right as ATM machines have card reader attached to it which is fixed and doesn’t move.

• You always check the ATM machine before using it. If you find anything out of place or any additional piece of equipment then it’s a no go.

• Always protect your ATM pin by placing a hand over it while entering your ATM card password. This will block it from the view of the camera if it’s placed inside.

• Never lose the debit card out of your sight if you are using it at a restaurant or retail stores for making payments. It can easily be copied or used to make extra payment.

• You should always take a good look inside the ATM especially at the machine to check for any cameras or if you notice anything unusual such as the keypad, lower bottom of your screen.

• You should also take a good notice if a person inside the ATM is just standing idle and pretending to do a transaction.

• Last but not the least is that you should always monitor your bank account. Keeping a regular check on the transactions is always a smart thing to do

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