Monday, 23 April 2018

Tricks to keep your bank account safe

Technology has many boons as well as demerits. While we laud technology for making our life easier, there are some loopholes in it that can make our life difficult as well. Scamming is one of them. Often we hear about so and so losing a significant amount of cash to the vicious hands of scammers. Remember you can also fall prey to such duplicitous activities and lose your hard-earned money. But how can you prevent that from happening? All it takes is a little bit of alertness on your side. Going cashless sounds cool and it is also very convenient in an urban setting, but becoming literally cashless can take a toll on your life. Therefore, follow these tips when you are conducting monetary transaction and keep your bank account safe.

1. Look for skimmers on the ATM machine: You can access all types of bank accounts using an ATM machine, a quality that makes ATMs a go-to option. But did you know that scammers can install a sinister device called skimmer in an ATM machine that is designed to collect all your bank accountdetails as soon as you enter the card in the card reader slot? Yes, skimmers are real and so should be your alacrity. If you find something off about an ATM machine, like mismatched colors around the card reader, scratches on the ATM machine, immediately talk to the bank. You should also address the financial institution if you find something unusual while inserting the card inside the slot.

2. Do not divulge bank details over call: A scammer might call you in the guise of a representative of a telecommunication company, a bank or any such institutions. These calls are meant to sound plausible, and often, the scammer will try to extract the bank details from you. But never let yourself be duped. If you get such scam calls, do inform the police.

3. Hide your ATM pin: The skimmers usually have cameras installed on them. The device uses the camera to capture the details. But, while you enter the pin, if cover the screen with your other hand the camera will fail to capture the image.

4. Use your card yourself: Remember all types of bank accounts are prone to getting hacked anywhere and by anyone. Therefore, if you are paying online, swipe the card yourself. Because, often the attendants in restaurants, bars and retail shops run your card through a skimmer when you are not looking. Therefore, always be vigilant.

5. Check your balance: You should keep record of your account balance from time to time. If you observe any unexplainable depletion, address the issue to the bank immediately and take legal actions if need be.

Keep your guards up 24x7 to save yourself from unnecessary harassments.

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