There are so many credit cards available in the market today. Currently, more than 30 million people in India using credit cards; the demonetization of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes and the Digital India campaign have given a huge impetus to the usage of credit cards in the country. Now, there are so many different types of credit cards that it can be quite a task to choose one from the lot. There is a special variety of credit cards called the co-branded credit cards that offer some additional benefits. A bank or financial corporation and a retailer come together to launch a co-branded credit card that provides some special benefits to regular customers.
If you are loyal to a particular brand or retailer, a co-branded credit card might actually get you some financial benefits. Co-branded credit cards can be used like regular credit cards all over the world; when you use the card to buy something from the sponsoring retailer, you earn attractive discounts and rewards. Some of the cards even offer 10x rewards including cashbacks, refunds and discounts. Co-branded credit cards are not just beneficial for the card-holders but also for the banks and the merchants as it ensures building a large customer base. Most such cards do not charge any transaction fee and are also known for waiving surcharge. Among all the cards that are out there, the airline and fuel co-branded credit cards are the best and can be the most rewarding. Every time you use an airline credit card, you win points that you can later redeem against you next ticket purchase. If you are a frequent flyer, a large number of points accumulated over a period of time can even result in a free class upgrade.
Now co-branded credit cards can charge high annual fees and the rates of interest can be slightly higher than that of regular credit cards, So, before getting a card, make sure you have full understanding of the fees and hidden charges because then only you can figure out the actual financial benefits that you can enjoy. Almost all the major Indian banks have co-branded credit cards that offer many facilities.
Almost all the major Indian banks have co-branded credit cards that offer many facilities. It's not about choosing the best credit card in India but about choosing the right one for yourself. You should choose a co-branded credit card depending upon your needs so that you can reap its benefits to the fullest. Go through the terms and conditions of each of the cards and then choose on wisely to make some clever savings.
If you are loyal to a particular brand or retailer, a co-branded credit card might actually get you some financial benefits. Co-branded credit cards can be used like regular credit cards all over the world; when you use the card to buy something from the sponsoring retailer, you earn attractive discounts and rewards. Some of the cards even offer 10x rewards including cashbacks, refunds and discounts. Co-branded credit cards are not just beneficial for the card-holders but also for the banks and the merchants as it ensures building a large customer base. Most such cards do not charge any transaction fee and are also known for waiving surcharge. Among all the cards that are out there, the airline and fuel co-branded credit cards are the best and can be the most rewarding. Every time you use an airline credit card, you win points that you can later redeem against you next ticket purchase. If you are a frequent flyer, a large number of points accumulated over a period of time can even result in a free class upgrade.
Now co-branded credit cards can charge high annual fees and the rates of interest can be slightly higher than that of regular credit cards, So, before getting a card, make sure you have full understanding of the fees and hidden charges because then only you can figure out the actual financial benefits that you can enjoy. Almost all the major Indian banks have co-branded credit cards that offer many facilities.
Almost all the major Indian banks have co-branded credit cards that offer many facilities. It's not about choosing the best credit card in India but about choosing the right one for yourself. You should choose a co-branded credit card depending upon your needs so that you can reap its benefits to the fullest. Go through the terms and conditions of each of the cards and then choose on wisely to make some clever savings.
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