A stressful life along with the added responsibility of paying bills on time can take a toll on anyone. With the large number of bills, it gets difficult to keep a track of what is paid and what is not. For instance, forgetting to make credit card bill payment on time is an extremely common problem. This leads to unnecessary penalties and poor credit score.
Therefore, it is essential to organise all your payments and due dates, so you do not miss any payments. Although a bill payment app is the most popular ways to do this, here is a list the ways you can pay your credit card bill in a stress free manner.
Bill Payment App
An online bill payment app ensures timely payment of your credit card bills. You have to feed information such as your credit card details, contact details, service provider, bill amount to be paid and the bank account details from which you wish to pay. The entire process takes a couple of days to complete. So set payment reminders keeping a few days in hand. The app will regularly notify you to keep a track of your credit card bill payment.
NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer)
NEFT allows you to pay from your bank within the same day. The only thing is you must have online banking feature activated on your bank account. For credit card bill payment, you have to add the credit card number, issuing bank and IFSC code. You can also add the credit card in your list of payees and enter all details only a single time. For subsequent payments, all details will be saved for your convenience.
RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement)
RTGS, like NEFT, allows transfer of funds in a single day. The advantage of RTGS over NEFT is it allows larger payments. You have to add the same information for bill payment through this method, as you did for NEFT.
ECS (Electronic Clearance System)
If you regularly use your credit card, you can opt for ECS payments. You have to arrange an ECS mandate at your bank and ask the credit card company to send an ECS request to your bank. Once you complete this, the credit card bills will be settled by your bank, automatically.
Standing Instruction to Your Bank
You can issue standing instructions to the bank where you have an account to make credit card bill payments in a timely manner. You can do it with minimum documents and verification process. You can ask the bank to either pay the minimum due amount or the entire amount as per your convenience.
The traditional and convenient way of credit card bill payment is issuing a cheque with the credit card number as the payee. Usually a cheque takes 2 to 3 days to process, so it is wise to pay well in advance.
If you remember to your credit card bill at the last minute, cash is your best friend that allows instant clearance of dues.
With these credit card bill payment methods, never miss a due date. Although all card-issuing companies accept payment through these methods, it is always best to confirm with the card company before you choose a suitable payment method.
Therefore, it is essential to organise all your payments and due dates, so you do not miss any payments. Although a bill payment app is the most popular ways to do this, here is a list the ways you can pay your credit card bill in a stress free manner.
Bill Payment App
An online bill payment app ensures timely payment of your credit card bills. You have to feed information such as your credit card details, contact details, service provider, bill amount to be paid and the bank account details from which you wish to pay. The entire process takes a couple of days to complete. So set payment reminders keeping a few days in hand. The app will regularly notify you to keep a track of your credit card bill payment.
NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer)
NEFT allows you to pay from your bank within the same day. The only thing is you must have online banking feature activated on your bank account. For credit card bill payment, you have to add the credit card number, issuing bank and IFSC code. You can also add the credit card in your list of payees and enter all details only a single time. For subsequent payments, all details will be saved for your convenience.
RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement)
RTGS, like NEFT, allows transfer of funds in a single day. The advantage of RTGS over NEFT is it allows larger payments. You have to add the same information for bill payment through this method, as you did for NEFT.
ECS (Electronic Clearance System)
If you regularly use your credit card, you can opt for ECS payments. You have to arrange an ECS mandate at your bank and ask the credit card company to send an ECS request to your bank. Once you complete this, the credit card bills will be settled by your bank, automatically.
Standing Instruction to Your Bank
You can issue standing instructions to the bank where you have an account to make credit card bill payments in a timely manner. You can do it with minimum documents and verification process. You can ask the bank to either pay the minimum due amount or the entire amount as per your convenience.
The traditional and convenient way of credit card bill payment is issuing a cheque with the credit card number as the payee. Usually a cheque takes 2 to 3 days to process, so it is wise to pay well in advance.
If you remember to your credit card bill at the last minute, cash is your best friend that allows instant clearance of dues.
With these credit card bill payment methods, never miss a due date. Although all card-issuing companies accept payment through these methods, it is always best to confirm with the card company before you choose a suitable payment method.
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