Wednesday, 22 August 2018

5 advantages of online mobile recharge

Using a mobile phone is now becoming a necessity in India. A mobile phone is not just used to make and receive calls, but for all kinds of transactions online. Ever since smartphones have been introduced, it has condensed the whole range of internet on to the phone.

With the increase in online transactions and online shopping, it was natural that online mobile recharge should also catch on. Online recharge is a popular and convenient way of refilling phone credits. It is now possible to do it through different apps from telecom providers, or it can be done online. It is also possible to do mobile recharges offline, through various offline merchants, but recharging it online has some advantages over doing the same offline.

Here are 5 advantages of online mobile recharge:

1. Convenience:
Getting an online mobile recharge is convenient more than anything else. There is no need to get out of the house, find a merchant who offers mobile recharge facility, especially in times of need. Getting an online recharge is immediate and instant. Whether it is done through the app or on websites, it is quick and convenient.

2. Cashbacks and other benefits:
There are a lot of different types offers and benefits that are offered by websites and apps for getting an online mobile recharge.  Whether it is cashbacks, or vouchers, wallets and other apps give a lot of benefits. Sometimes there are lucky draws for coupons that can be redeemed on shopping websites.

3. Can be done using any mode:
The best part about online recharge is that it can be done through any mode of e-payment. It can be recharged via credit or debit card, Net Banking, or Mobile banking. This flexibility means recharge can be done depending on the mode that is convenient in times of need. If for some reason, the transaction doesn’t go through via Credit or Debit card, it can be done via net banking.

4. Can be done for multiple mobile numbers:
Since the recharge is completely online, it can be done for multiple mobile numbers. It can also be done multiple times for one mobile number. There are no limitations on online mobile recharge. However, one transaction pertains to one mobile number. After one transaction is completed, another transaction can be done for another mobile number.

5. Recharge for different providers:
Most apps provide mobile recharge for a number of telecom operators. It is possible to recharge one mobile number from one operator followed by another number from another operator. There are no limitations on the telecom operators available on an online platform.

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