Credit cards have become very important in the present times. It is plastic money which comes with its own perks. Now, one can carry a credit card in India to make payments at shops, malls, grocery stores and restaurants. Credit cards are being widely used for the purpose of making online payments. One can use his credit card to pay bills online, recharge mobile phones and even shop anything from clothes to electronics online. Net banking has made life easier for all. Transactions can be easily done online without physically visiting the bank and queuing up for depositing or withdrawing cash and transferring money from one account to another.
Though credit cards have made life easier for all of us there are certain things one must be careful about including cyber crimes and credit card hacking. There are several simple precautions and ways through which one can assure that his credit card is safe while making online transactions. These include the following:
1. Individuals who access their bank accounts through net banking must assure that they have the latest updated version of anti-virus software on their devices. This will prevent any hacking.
2. Sometimes one may have to access his account through a shared computer. In such a case there are chances that the password and pin of your credit card may be hacked. In order to avoid this cyber experts do recommend usage of a virtual keyboard to fill-in the pin details to avoid any instance of hacking.
3. Instant updates via SMS and e-mails are provided by banks when the customer’s credit card is used for a transaction. To avail this facility to protect your credit card the customer must keep his contact details up to date and notify the bank in case there is a change in the mobile number or e-mail ID. In case an individual’s card has been fraudulently used he will immediately know if his details are up to date.
4. OTPs or one time passwords are generated to make online transactions safe and easy. If one has a credit card in India and wishes to make an online transaction, he is provided with an OTP through which the transaction is completed, after he provides his credit card number and transaction details. This is an effective way of protecting the credit card pin because the OTP is for single time use and is known only to the customer.
5. One must never provide his confidential credit card details such as the maximum limit, pin and security question answer to any individual or a website which may ask for such details in the pretext of providing lucky draw gifts or jackpot prizes or unbelievably attractive offers.
Thus, by following the tips mentioned above one can assure that his credit card continues to be safe while accessing their bank account online and making transactions.
Though credit cards have made life easier for all of us there are certain things one must be careful about including cyber crimes and credit card hacking. There are several simple precautions and ways through which one can assure that his credit card is safe while making online transactions. These include the following:
1. Individuals who access their bank accounts through net banking must assure that they have the latest updated version of anti-virus software on their devices. This will prevent any hacking.
2. Sometimes one may have to access his account through a shared computer. In such a case there are chances that the password and pin of your credit card may be hacked. In order to avoid this cyber experts do recommend usage of a virtual keyboard to fill-in the pin details to avoid any instance of hacking.
3. Instant updates via SMS and e-mails are provided by banks when the customer’s credit card is used for a transaction. To avail this facility to protect your credit card the customer must keep his contact details up to date and notify the bank in case there is a change in the mobile number or e-mail ID. In case an individual’s card has been fraudulently used he will immediately know if his details are up to date.
4. OTPs or one time passwords are generated to make online transactions safe and easy. If one has a credit card in India and wishes to make an online transaction, he is provided with an OTP through which the transaction is completed, after he provides his credit card number and transaction details. This is an effective way of protecting the credit card pin because the OTP is for single time use and is known only to the customer.
5. One must never provide his confidential credit card details such as the maximum limit, pin and security question answer to any individual or a website which may ask for such details in the pretext of providing lucky draw gifts or jackpot prizes or unbelievably attractive offers.
Thus, by following the tips mentioned above one can assure that his credit card continues to be safe while accessing their bank account online and making transactions.
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