Friday, 29 July 2016

What are the security measures that promote safe remitting?

Remitting funds to your home country is now made easy, through the various options for money transfer. However, at the same time, there are plenty of risks involved each time you want to send funds abroad, especially when you want to remit to India. But while these risks will exist with each option, you can take certain precautions to promote a safe remitting. Here are three different security measures you can use when remitting funds back home:

Track the transaction made

The idea of getting constant alerts may seem like a nuance. However, when it comes to transferring funds, it makes a great benefit, especially if you transferring large funds on a regular basis. Plenty of banks and financial institute that offer money transfer services may also offer a tracking service. This service may come as a free add-on or a chargeable service. While you can manually track your service, getting alerts on each step of the transfer will ensure that you are well aware and well updated. Therefore, if there is an unexpected delay or unusual activity anytime during the transfer, you can take the measures or action.

Accessible customer service
You will have to accept the fact that no service is 100% perfect. There is bound to be some delay or problem during any one of your transactions. But when you are considering the option to remit to India, you need to be prepared for such factors. This can be only done if you have access to a customer service that is available to you anytime during the day, or even at night. Plenty of money transfer services and banks offering this service often offer an automated service which may or may not provide you with the solution to your problem. However, plenty of banks and institutes do offer this service, while providing an alternate option to access any of the customer service staff when required.

Look out for signs of scams

While there are plenty of measures that will offer you the ideal security and safety measures, there are certain factors you will also need to avoid for the best security options. One of these factors includes scams. Scams can often be found online, or even at unregistered money transfer services. You may find fraudulent emails that request personal information in your mailbox, in exchange for providing the best transfer deals. You might even get a call from individuals claiming to be from authorised money transfer services, who offer you great deals and discounts. The best way to avoid a scam is by being alert. No bank or service will request for personal details or even details of your account.

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