Friday 24 November 2017

Factors to consider when using mobile banking apps

Today’s financial functioning is not what it was a few years back. Through the traditional means, one would be required to approach the bank to see what services are available and then correspond with a representative from the bank to get the ideal financial product or service that would suit one’s needs.

However, in today’s fast-paced life, such a step would not only be tedious, but also time and resource consuming. As a solution to this problem the smartphone, which has now become the modern day multi-function platform, has been designed to perform several financial functions. With the right banking apps, you can now easily track your bank account, make transactions or even request for a passbook or banking cards.

But while these mobile banking apps do offer a convenience in terms of instant access and functionality, you would be required to perform some caution on your part, in order to keep your investment safe.

Here are some factors you need to consider when using the bank mobile app:

Simple User Interface: There are several mobile banking apps available in the online market which you can opt for. However, before you opt to download an app from a bank or financial institute you are familiar with, you need to know if the app has an interface that you are familiar with. This will not only make it easier for you to make quick financial transactions but also allows you to make calculated decisions. After all, you do not want to spend minutes or hours just searching for an option that will allow you to make a simple money transfer on a monthly basis or even check your current transaction.

Security Features: The funds you own is your hard earned reward, so naturally it should be optimally protected. While you may have convenient access to your account and conveniently execute any financial decisions, you would not want any unauthorised individual or entity to access your funds. This is why the bank mobile app you opt for, should have the top, if not the latest security features. The said app should also be in sync with your smartphone’s OS so that there are no risks to your phone, which can affect your banking app too.

Quick results: Banking apps are designed to offer the convenience of financial performance, through the smartphone. But at the same time, the service provided should be quick. You would not want to be opting for a money transfer service that would take hours for the bank or lending institute to verify before making the transfer. Alternatively, if you need to apply for a loan, it should not take several days for your application to be verified before you can get the funds required.

Opting for these mobile banking apps will only be as useful as the service and safety they provide. Be sure you check out these features of an app before you download it.

All you need to know about applying for a two wheeler loan through a loan app

A two wheeler has always been an ideal option for those seeking a convenient transportation. In fact, it is the ideal option for those who are looking to avoid traffic or even peak hour rush. Whether it is in the city, or the rural areas, plenty of individuals have opted for the two - wheeler, as it is one of the most economical investments.

However, applying for a two wheeler loan through the traditional channel will be time-consuming, like any other loan application process. You would be required to submit documents pertaining to your identity, address proof and even your employment and income status. You will need to submit these requirements to the closest bank branch at the appropriate time to submit your loan application.

Nevertheless, there is a convenient option to apply for a two wheeler loan which is as convenient as riding the bike. You can now apply for a loan through the bank loan app and get instant financial aid directly to your account.

Here is how you can go about applying for the bike loan on your smartphone today:

Download the app: This is the first step you need to take. Plenty of banks are now offering loan application apps with different features and services. You can easily opt for a bank app of your preference, or the bank app where you have a current account in. Once you have opted for the bank app of your preference, download it from the appropriate source. If you down load it from any other source, you run a risk of compromising your smartphone and your financial details.

Set up your profile: Once you have downloaded and installed the app, the next step you will need to take is to set up your profile. Here, you will need to input your name and your number for verification purposes. You may also to provide your bank account details to verify your account. Once this is done, you can proceed with the loan application step

Input your income and employment details: In the next step, you will need to input your income and employment details. Once you have inputted the relevant information, you will can calculate your loan eligibility. The app functions as a bike loan calculator providing instant results in terms of EMI calculation, loan value and fixed interest rate results. Once you have settled on a loan value that is to your need, you can then submit your application

Finalise details: Once you are done with the bike loan calculator step, you can move onto the last step. Here you will need to confirm details about your address, your office address and your identity details. Normally these details will already be filled in if you have synced your bank account. But as a precaution, you can confirm these details before proceeding ahead with the application.

How to use the loan app to meet your loan requirements?

You may be facing a situation where you would be required to apply for loans. Whether it is a home loan, a car loan or even a personal loan, you will need to take measures in order to apply for this loan, especially when going through the traditional channels.

However, this aspect changes when you are applying for the loan through the loan bank app. The loan app is the new addition that is taking over the financial market. Just like approaching a bank for an app, you can now apply for a bank loan through a downloadable app.

Here is how the bank loan app can assist you

Step 1: Download the app – Downloading the loan bank app is simple. You only need to check out the Play Store or the App Store for the relevant app. You can even follow the instructions provided by the bank on their website. However, ensure that you download the genuine app, from a genuine source. This is done to avoid any possible counterfeit app, that can collect your personal or bank details and misuse it. Any other app can also compromise your phone, providing easy access for hackers to access your data. 

Step 2: Log in the app with your personal details: Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to secure the log in with your personal details. That means you will need to put in your details, along with a custom password. Once you have secured your log in details with your personal details, you can easily put in your financial details

Step 3: Apply for the relevant loan: There are various loans available in the loan bank app. You can apply for the loan that is relevant to your requirements. You can also check out the current deals and benefits you can avail at that current moment when you opt for that particular loan you want.

Step 4: Log in your bank details:  As a part of the application process, you will need to provide certain documents. This would include your bank account details, your employment details and your income details. You would also need to provide relevant information about your Aadhar or PAN card details. In doing so, the lending institution will register your financial profile and calculate the appropriate loan amount 

Step 5: Check for eligibility and loan rates: Once you have registered the relevant details, you can now proceed with the loan application. The first step you will need to take is calculating your eligibility for the loan. This can be done within the app itself. Once you have satisfied the eligibility criteria, you can easily calculate the appropriate amount that will suit your loan requirements. Once done, you can submit your application through the app.

Step 6: Track loan status: Once you get an acknowledgement of your submission, you can track your status through the status tracker.

What are the key opportunities you can get through a loan application app?

Technology is now changing how consumers shop for loans. While previously, one could easily approach a bank with the relevant application form and documents in order to get a loan, one can now easily get a loan through a banking app.

But what does the app have to offer, that the traditional bank cannot?

For one, the app utilises digital data over traditional banks. Digital data allows for an all-inclusive picture of the applicant, over financial metrics. In fact, through the app, the digital presence of the applicant's profile will be synched with the lending institute. By doing so, lenders get to use the financial and alternate information to analyse the borrower’s credit and offer custom deals or instant loans to the applicant.

Here are some of the key opportunities you can get through the loan application app:

Accountability: There’s a lot more to be shared on the online platform as compared to the traditional channels. Here, consumers can easily access data or any information in mere seconds on the digital platform. Naturally, online lenders will be accountable to all relevant information provided online, while ensuring an excellent online reputation. With the relevant information provided online, consumers can easily make calculated decisions pertaining to their loan applications and get the best instant loans in the matter of mere seconds.

Competitive Pricing: Like the traditional loan application, digital loan offering are also competitive in terms of pricing. Plenty of lenders is now offering loans online through the loan app. As consumers will have to undertake relevant research in order to get the best deals, a loan app will help centralised and streamline the process. All the traditional loan applications will now be available through the loan application app.

Convenience: Every activity we do in today’s day and age can be done remotely, as well as electronically. Whether it is ordering food, booking a ride back home or even investing in stocks, you only need an app to do so. Similarly, you can now easily get loans online with the right app. You can easily get all the relevant details about the loan right from the eligibility criteria, loan amount available, interest rate and even the EMI calculation through the app. This makes it pretty much convenient if you need to get financial aid through a loan on short notice. 

Service: One of the most important aspects of a loan acquiring is the service. In terms of accountability and convenience, service is also another aspect that needs to be communicated to the client. While some consumers may be comfortable with the brick and mortar bank, you get a fast more convenient service through the digital platform, especially if you can access it in the palm of your hand.

Did you know these facts about the bank loan application app?

Today’s financial requirements would require you to apply for a loan at some point in your life. Not only is it financially healthy for your financial profile, but it will also help you plan and save your finances for your future. But approaching a bank for a loan through the traditional channels has now become time-consuming, if not a waste of resources.

This is where the digital platform and progression has played an important role. At a time where everything can be performed through the smartphone apps, loan application apps have now joined this list. In other words, you only need to download the relevant app, register your bank account details and put in the relevant details in order to apply for a loan now. No longer would you be required to approach the bank or carry relevant documents and get them processed in order to get a loan.

But through this app, there is a lot more you can benefit from. Here are some of the different facts of the bank loan and how you can benefit from it:

24-hour access: One of the main benefits of loan application app is the 24-hour access. Since you can easily download the app on your smartphone and access it anytime you would want to, you can easily apply for a loan anytime you would want. This makes a great choice for those who are seeking an emergency financial aid on short notice.

Instant loan eligibility calculation:  As a part of the loan application process, lenders will consider your loan eligibility, based on which, the loan application will proceed. Through the traditional channel, attaining a bank loan would require approaching the bank with your application and documents, and getting them verified by the bank authorities. This would not only be time-consuming, but you would also need to coordinate with the representative from the bank. With the loan app, you can easily calculate your loan eligibility in a matter of seconds. Since the loan application process is integrated into the app, you can easily apply for the app, calculate your eligibility and get approval in mere minutes.

Track your loan status: You can now stay up to date with the progression of your loan status in a matter of seconds. Through the app, you can easily log online to your account and check your loan application status. Furthermore, if you need any more clarification, you can easily request a call back from your bank with a single click of a button.

Get the update and custom loan deals: A custom made loan deal will work in your favour, especially when you are looking for a loan at the appropriate time. The bank loan app will allow you get custom and instant updates based on your personal financial profile, ensuring that you will benefit from the loan application.

What are the features of the app for bank loans?

Investing a loan has now become a necessity more than an option. There will come the point in time where an individual will need to take the assistance of this financial aid to invest in a financial endeavour or take the means to ease the financial burden on one’s own income and expenditures.

But our current lifestyle requires us to perform and function on a fast pace. Keeping up with the demands of the bank loan application is now become more tedious and demanding with this kind of lifestyle. In fact, in order to enjoy some semblance of a normal and stress-free living, we are now relying on the function and performance of our smartphones apps to get through life.

Whether it is ordering food, booking a cab ride home, checking for traffic or even make an investment in the stock market, all these functions can now be performed through the comfort of the smartphone.

In addition to this list, is the app for loan bank applications. Gone are the days where you would be required to apply for the loan through the traditional channels of the bank or lending institute. Now, with just with a click of a button you will have a loan ready and wait for you.

In addition to the instant access to your loans, there are several other features you can take advantage of. They include the following:

24*7 Access: Through the traditional channels of loan application, you would be required to approach the bank, with an application form and relevant documents. You would also need to approach the bank at a given time, in a schedule an interview with a representative of the bank. Besides this, your eligibility for the loan will also need to be considered and calculated before the loan is disbursed. All these steps are time-consuming, which can be a drawback if you need the loan urgently. However, with the loan bank application, you can easily log in to your app, put in the relevant details and then get your loan approval in a matter of minutes. Be it during the day, or any time after work hours, you can easily apply for the loan as per your convenience.

Wide spread reaches: Through the traditional channels of acquiring a loan, you would need to approach the nearest bank branch with the relevant requirement such as your documents and a fully filled application form. Not only is the process to attain these necessities tiresome, but the process of approaching the nearest bank branch at the appropriate time will also be time-consuming. Through the app, you only need to log in, with your account details, and provide the relevant information about your employment. You can be at any place at any time, to apply for a loan. In other words, you can be located in the city, or even in a rural area, and still get a loan with a single click. 

While there are plenty of other features that are beneficial, it is essential that you get to enjoy the loan bank app to your full potential. So if you are looking for a loan anytime soon, you only need to log online and register your details today.

Business loans and bank loan apps: Get the best loan option through your smartphone

As a business owner, managing your company’s finances is the need of the hour. After all, any decision you take, be it investing in a product for high returns, or even seeking out the appropriate financial aid, will affect your businesses’ overall financial functioning. When you’re seeking financing, particularly power growth, you will need to know your options, such as the business loans.

Naturally, at the same time, you would want to manage or execute any financial decision or product through the most convenient source or channel. Traditional channels would include physically approaching a bank or financial institution for the appropriate financial aid. However, while this may provide you with the end result of getting the business loans, the process of acquisition if often bridled with challenges and delays.

But this is where the smartphone becomes the game changer. At a time where this platform offers multiple functions, it has also made its mark in the finance market. Where previously it could offer facilities to open an account, track fund transfers, or even make trade investments, it now also offers the opportunity to apply for bank loans, which includes a bank loan for business. Like any other bank app, you only need to download and install it and create your account. Depending on the loan app you have downloaded, you will further need to create an account using your bank's unique customer ID, or provide relevant details of the bank account where you would want your loan to be transferred to.

Through this channel of loan acquirement you can:

• Convenient access to loan details: Wondering how much of a business loan amount you are liable to get as compared to what you are eligible for? The bank loan for business will give you an in-depth view of what to expect. This will help you calculate the appropriate loan amount to optimally utilise for your businesses financial requirements. Furthermore, this will also help you plan your repayment strategy.
• Get best-personalised loan rates: With your bank account linked to the app, all your financial details are securely accessed. With the details received, the lending institute will be able to calculate the best rates for your loan, thus ensuring your financial needs are met as closely as possible.
• Minimal paperwork and hassle free processing: As previously mentioned, your back account will be linked to the app. As a part of this process, details about your identity, address and business income, linked to the bank account, will be accessed and verified. This eliminates the process where you would be required to submit additional paperwork, which would further require additional processing.

If you are looking to ensure that your business receives the appropriate financial assistance, this loan app will provide you with the ideal support. Download the app today to know how your business can benefit from it.